A Whale of a Trip!

A recent trip to Boston and West Hartford was filled with family, food, and fun!
I have to admit, the purpose of the trip was to attend a Jimmy Buffett concert at Fenway Park, but so many more interesting and great things also occurred.

The first day was spent exploring the campus of Harvard University, Harvard Square, Boston Common, Boston Public Garden,  Beacon Hill, and Cheers (the bar made famous by the television show, if you are old enough to remember that).

Where everybody knows your name.

A street in Beacon Hill

The main library at Harvard.

Harvard Square and the Boston Public Garden were  among my favorite places we visited that day.

An entire store devoted to Curious George!
The authors H.A. and Margaret Rey spent much of their
writing lives living in Harvard Square area and wrote
the Curious George series there.

Make Way for Ducklings at the Boston Public Garden.

Our second day was filled with following the Freedom Trail. And even though we only followed it far enough to reach Quincy Hall (where there is more food than you can shake a stick at) I still feel like we saw enough to get our history lesson for the day. 

A lesson in printing at Faneuiel Hall.

Books for purchase at Faneuiel Hall.
You can learn a lot on the Freedom Trail.

Food, food, and Bumpy at Quincy Hall.

Fins Up! It was time for the concert. We were joined by Karen and Tisha.

The crowd begins to gather!

The girls getting ready!

Enjoyed a great show at "Finway."  Still looking for our lost shakers of salt!

The next day, we brunched (if that's a word) at Stephanie's on Newbury. Apparently, this is where anybody who is anybody dines. Bumpy enjoyed a "skillet" breakfast that was actually served in a cast iron skillet and I tried my best to consume chocolate chip pancakes the size of my head.  We were treated to an abbreviated, but informative tour of the Back Bay area by a high school friend of the girls ( shout out to Cara!) and somehow ended up at Cheers for a second time. Oh well, sometimes you have to make sacrifices!

Karen, Tisha, and Cara get together at Stephanie's.

Sat in Frazier's favorite spot!

Pups and their owners cooling off.
Did I mention it was really hot?

Boston Public Library

We traveled to West Hartford, CT to spend the last two days of our trip. It was also a time filled with family, food, and fun.

Something you don't see everyday.
A statue of Mark Twain made of Legos.
Had fun visiting the Mark Twain Museum in Hartford.

And a replica of Mark Twain's house also made of Legos.
This was at the Hartford airport and we did not have fun visiting it.

The following photos are a few signs I found interesting.
Hope you do too.

Apparently they like to recycle everything in Boston.

I hear you Ernest.

Would you?

Need I say anything?

The End.

That's it for now.
Check back later!


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