
Showing posts from 2020

Covid, Covid Go Away! Little Ones Want to Play!

  "The basket" "Loose parts" Read on for more information! It's been awhile but I'm back! First let me start with sending out my heartfelt thanks to teachers working their way through this pandemic. Also, parents that are trying to cope with all of this and let's don't forget the children. They also have a challenge with all of this. Before I give some advice on helping preschool age children learn at home, I want to address the "concern" of some people that without children going to a brick and mortar building to learn, they are  "falling behind."    I need to ask those people, exactly what/who are they "falling behind?" Themselves? each other? children in other countries? Well, folks, it's my humble opinion that they are not "falling behind" anything or anybody. They are just where they are , academically, emotionally, and socially. Do not panic!  They will continue to learn and grow through experiences p...

To Do: Insert List Here

Greetings family and friends! Hope everyone is staying healthy during this crazy, dazey time. I often include titles of children's books in my blog posts with the intent of inspiring you to read to young children, but today I'm writing about a book for adults to inspire you to read to yourself. I recently read, Twenty-one Truths About Love, by Matthew Dicks. It is a novel written entirely in lists. Now I ask, who among us doesn't make a list, use a list, or despise a list of things "to do"? In the book, the protagonist frets over money troubles, grieves over leaving his teaching job, is overwhelmed with the thought of his first child on the way, and even plans an armed robbery. That sounds a little dark, but the book is really quite humorous and (spoiler alert) has a happy ending. So, the book tells this story in the form of lists. Lists of things to do, shopping lists, wish lists, likes and dislikes lists, and so on. I have been a list maker for...