Will Your Child Learn to Read?
Back in the day, when I was in a master's program, the "whole language" movement was a hot topic. In simple terms, the "whole language" approach is a method of teaching children to read by recognizing words as whole pieces of language. It is an approach to spelling that encourages a lot of reading aloud to your child (a good thing!) but it also encourages children to read by sight rather than sounding out words. Phonics proponents argue that in reality there are very few words that don't follow any phonics rules and that must be learned by sight. If you are over the age of 50, you probably learned to read by sight. Remember when you saw Dick and Jane run, eat, play and engage in any number of other activities? In many pre-k classrooms that I visited I saw a number of good things including "word walls" consisting of children's names, environmental print, such as McDonald's bags and Wal-Mart logos, along with some "sight" wo...