
Showing posts from March, 2019

An Old Lady

I was on my way upstairs at the library when I met up with a mother and daughter coming down. The little girl was probably 10 or 11 and was on my side of the staircase. The mom told her to move out of the way, which she did, and I continued up as they continued down. A few seconds later as they reached a place that I am assuming the mother thought I couldn't hear her, she said, "Honey, that was an old lady and you need to be considerate." An old lady! Well, I have to admit I wasn't all that insulted, because after all, I have reached my "golden years."  Besides that, being an old lady isn't all bad. For one thing, I get to enjoy a fabulous granddaughter and adorable great-nieces and nephews. I am enjoying retirement and, in fact, I am writing this post while cuddled up with my pups! One of the first books describing the relationship between children and "old people" that I came across several years ago was Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Pa...

You Were a Strange One, Dr. Seuss

On the eve of the anniversary of Dr. Seuss's birthday I thought I would write a short poem. It goes like this: You were a strange one Dr. Seuss, You wrote a bunch of gobbledy-gook. As many, even most of you readers know, Dr. Seuss wrote such classics as Green Eggs and Ham,Cat in the Hat, Hop on Pop, and my all time favorite, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. For those of you who know me, my favorite comes as no surprise. Anyhoo, on with the post because I really want to talk about children's books that can help with language development and allow children to "play" with language. Leslie Layman, interested in all things related to early childhood, equity, access, and play has written, " Learning language is one of the most exciting and difficult tasks that young children achieve." She goes on to say, " Children practice language skills by imitating what they hear. Infants babble, toddlers begin forming words and short sentences, preschoo...