
Showing posts from December, 2019

Coming to America

Snow on the lower east side We recently returned from a family visit in the beautiful "garden state".  That's New Jersey for those of you who don't know. We had a great time baking cookies, preparing and sharing an awesome Thanksgiving meal with family and friends, decorating the Christmas tree, and watching Hallmark Christmas movies. I discovered if you've seen one you've seen them all. And even though they all strongly resemble each other, you can't stop watching.They're like a train wreck, you can't look away. But I digress. We also did a little shopping, attended the town Christmas tree lighting and dined in a cozy pub. Aside from the biggest perk of NJ (family), there is another and that is the opportunity to "go into the city." New York City that is. The Big Apple. Although we missed our train into Manhattan, had to reschedule our tour time of the Tenement Museum, got pelted in the face with sleet, and perhaps, worst of...