It's Still August, People!

Okay, here goes. Every year I wait with great anticipation for the Little Debbie Pumpkin Delights to hit the shelves. And by wait, I mean if I see them in the middle of September I get really pumped up. But, as you can see, I bought my first box a week ago in the middle of August ! I feel like I have sold my soul to the devil! I don't even "decorate" for the "seasons". Well, that's not entirely true. I do put up a small seasonal door decoration and maybe a seasonal flag. I put up a Christmas tree, but never before Thanksgiving and I am still shocked to see Halloween decorations in stores in August, Christmas decorations in September, and Valentine's Day items in December. But apparently, I am behind the times because in the last week I have spotted two disturbing "articles" on Facebook. (Why I keep looking at FB I have no idea). Anyhoo, one of these articles seems to be encouraging people to put up "Halloween trees." Ap...