Must Love Children.....Really?
Sometimes, advertisements for early childhood teachers include the statement, must love children. While I suppose that is admirable, why don't the ads ever say, must appreciate children? For example, you must appreciate that infants learn through all of their senses. This includes through taste. As in, every single thing that comes within their reach goes into their mouth! A note: And you must appreciate they may even use that mouth to investigate another child's arm or even your shoulder! You must appreciate that even the youngest infant in your care needs to be talked with, sung to, held, rocked, and snuggled. Most importantly, their cries need to be answered. It's the way they communicate with you. You must also appreciate that even very young infants need to be free to move. Keeping children in swings, cribs, or an exer-saucer/walker contraption doesn't allow them to stretch, reach, roll over, scoot, crawl, pull up and "cruise" the fu...