
Showing posts from November, 2021

Still Hanging Out

It's been a while since I have written on this blog. So, I thought I would take a minute and catch everybody up on my latest adventures.  I took my first Covid-19 airplane trip in July to go see my girls and son-in-law. Lots of people were flying and the mask mandate was in place.  I didn't have any problem with wearing a mask, but I must say, Delta Airlines, that one tiny wipe given out upon boarding just didn't seem like enough effort on your part. Perhaps a pack of 24 and a can of Lysol spray would be more comforting to passengers. I did, however, appreciate the world's smallest bottle of water and the teeny tiny snack. I know that I could have had my mask off longer if I had chosen the little packet of Gold Fish, but since I'm over the age of four, I opted for the snack bar thingy. At my destination, I walked a goat, played games with my girls, and had my picture taken with a lobster. Try not to be jealous. Everyone can't lead this kind of life. 😀 Just a go