
Showing posts from November, 2017

Baby Ben's Favorite Reads

Baby Ben enjoys story time at the library last summer. I recently got to visit with Baby Ben (aka Benny). I was pleased to discover that at the age of 10 months, he is into books big time! In fact, he spent a lot of time on that day looking at books, being read to, and chewing on his favorite bath tub book. Here are Baby Ben's favorites (as of now). Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin. This classic is written in rhyme and tells the story of a variety of animals and what they see. Benny loves the rhythm of this one. Good Night Moon , by Margaret Wise Brown. A little bunny bids good night to all the objects in his room before falling asleep. This book is also written in rhyme and Benny enjoys the rhythm of this one as well. Are You My Mother , by P.D. Eastman.  In this story, a little bird falls from the nest and begins a search for his mother. He asks a variety of animals and objects the same question, "Are you my mother?"  The repetition of the ques...