It's Springing!

 Well it's that time of the year. Sunshine, warmer temperatures, pollen everywhere, and yes, deciding that the time in my life has come to give up wearing shorts. What was I thinking when I ordered some last week? Probably that I am not old and wrinkly. The shorts have proven otherwise. Capri pants, here I come!

I have also been doing a lot of reading, playing with duplos, building with blocks, painting eggs, hiding eggs, playing with rocks, baking and frosting cookies, lining up cars, and avoiding sharks in the backyard, because I have been hanging out with two of my favorite little kids. Benny is 4 and Maddie is 22 months. The best part is I can create as much chaos and fun as I want because I can give them back to their Nana who has to deal with giving them back to their parents :-)

One of our favorite books this spring has been This Is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen. It is the story of a little fish who steals a hat from a big fish and thinks he won't get caught. But...well you'll have to read it to find out!

Another book that got the "read it again" was There's A Bear on My Chair by Ross Collins. A very small mouse discovers a very large bear sitting on a chair in his house. After several attempts to dislodge the uninvited guest, mouse comes up with a great idea. Once again, you'll have to read it to find out what happens!

Painting eggs (fake..I'm not that crazy) ended with several egg hunts. I have to say I thought 4 year olds would remember where they hid all of them.  Apparently not. 

There has also been a lot of seasonal cookie baking and frosting. Would you believe I had to actually teach a child how to eat frosting right out of the can?  Well now he knows and I always feel like it's better that kids learn that kind of thing at home rather than out on the street somewhere.

And now some photos of our escapades for your enjoyment.

Nana helps Maddie


Benny is a true artist!

I wonder how high this can get.
Spoiler alert: really high!

Looking forward to the summer when sand and water will be involved😊

That's it for now.
Check back later!


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