It's T-i-i-i-i-m-e !

You know what I mean. It's that time of the year. It's time to hold that new box of crayons up to your nose and take a big sniff and think "all is right with the world." Okay, that's probably only me, but I'm sure everyone has their own special school memory.

Today I would like to speak to teachers of young children. I have some tips that I think (hope) you will find helpful as you and your little ones begin the new year.

First, remember since you are an adult the frontal lobe of your brain is developed and you have higher order thinking skills. This should give you a slight edge over the children. With that being said, remember that you are outnumbered, probably by about 10 to 1 at least. So, just remember when you are facing an angry mob that you are the adult, you are in charge, and you have got this. (Smiley face).

Second, what ever you do, keep moving. I am talking the whole time that class is in session. Believe me, the children will be moving, so you might as well do the same. You cannot effectively work with and teach young children if you are "teaching from the desk." The aforementioned term usually applies to teachers of older children and is directed at teachers (everybody has had at least one) that apparently have their butt glued to the chair because they stay there from the first day of school until the last day. I once taught at a school with a school secretary who would do anything to help you. She could help you with paperwork, could get you in with the principal, or give advice on your love life. All of this help and advice was cheerfully given as long as she did not have to get up from her chair. When in the middle of an interaction, if she started to rise from her chair, all bets were off and you probably were better off to just run. But back to the point. I will say this bluntly: teachers of young children, you cannot sit on your butt and expect a good outcome. Just keep that in mind.

Last, but not least, do not, I repeat, do not attempt to have young children "line up." For that matter you probably also want to avoid, "come to the rug and sit down." While it may seem strange to some and you will get some really nasty looks from the higher grade teachers, moving in a "clump" down the hallway to go outside or to the cafeteria will prove to be much easier for everyone. Simply go to the door, announce (for example) "we are going outside" and proceed to go. They will follow. Remember, tip number 2? Nothing is more painful to watch than an adult ( the one with the higher order thinking skills) trying to get 20 small children to stand still, one behind the other, not touching someone else, and being threatened with useless blabber, like, "we can't go until we're lined up and quiet."  Believe me on this one. I have witnessed this many, many times and it never gets any easier or less painful to watch. Bottom line, just go!

So, take what you will from this and remember if all else fails, you can always just run.

That's it for now.
Check back later!


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