
It's A New Year, Branch Out!

A Bump(y) on a log, somewhere in Scotland. Well, the first month of the new year is over and I have just decided on my "resolution" for 2018.  As some of you know (if you are a regular reader, which I hope you are!), I have chosen one word resolutions for the past couple of years. Last year it was faith .  I have to admit, there were times when I felt I wasn't making any progress, but since the world is still spinning and I am still spinning with it, I guess I did okay. This year I have decided (drum roll please) to "branch out" .  I know technically that is a two word resolution, but we'll just have to deal with it. I have already "branched out" by trying a new brand of black beans. Before you are laughing so hard that you can't go on reading, just hear me out.  It's a texture thing, people!  For ever, I have really, really liked Ranch Style Black Beans. Well, wouldn't you know that the only place I was able to get them was

"Nana, Those People Were Wrong"

In a recent phone conversation with my ten year old granddaughter, the topics varied from snow day activities, spending time at the bead shop, and talking about a movie that she recently watched with her parents. She asked, "Nana, have you seen the movie Hidden Figures ?" I replied that I had not seen it but I read some reviews about it. After assuring me that it was suitable for the whole family to watch, she then proceeded to tell me the plot line. For those of you who have seen the movie, you know what it's about. But if like me, you haven't seen it, I'll fill you in here. Hidden Figures is the story of three brilliant African-American women at NASA who serve as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history, the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit. Anna seemed to be amazed that everyone thought that these women, first because they were women and second because they were African-American, were not qualified for the job.  As

A Christmas Past

I originally wrote this for a church choir newsletter in the year 2000.  I think it is still relevant today and hope that you do too! I'm writing this to confess.  I didn't put up a Christmas tree last year and I don't intend to put one up this year either.  I know what you are thinking.  What kind of a grinch doesn't decorate a tree?  Let me explain. It all began around this time last year during a routine visit to the vet.  Our adorable hound dog puppy, Zoey, was seven months old at the time and very much exhibited the joie de vivre that only hound dog pups can.  After several minutes of maneuvers that looked like something from a World Federation wrestling match, Dr. Jim looked at me and said,  "You aren't thinking of putting up a tree this year, are you?"  It was really more a statement than a question.  Not wanting to appear ignorant in puppy raising protocol I replied,  "Oh, of course not." On the way home I pondered how to brea

Baby Ben's Favorite Reads

Baby Ben enjoys story time at the library last summer. I recently got to visit with Baby Ben (aka Benny). I was pleased to discover that at the age of 10 months, he is into books big time! In fact, he spent a lot of time on that day looking at books, being read to, and chewing on his favorite bath tub book. Here are Baby Ben's favorites (as of now). Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin. This classic is written in rhyme and tells the story of a variety of animals and what they see. Benny loves the rhythm of this one. Good Night Moon , by Margaret Wise Brown. A little bunny bids good night to all the objects in his room before falling asleep. This book is also written in rhyme and Benny enjoys the rhythm of this one as well. Are You My Mother , by P.D. Eastman.  In this story, a little bird falls from the nest and begins a search for his mother. He asks a variety of animals and objects the same question, "Are you my mother?"  The repetition of the ques

I Have One Word.......Finland!

No, I am not making a trip to Finland, nor have I recently traveled to Finland. The one word answer of "Finland" was in response to my husband asking me what I thought would help "fix", "improve", "make better", (pick your favorite), the education system in our local town. The subject of school improvement has been on the radar for years and years now. It seems that a lot of people, apparently, feel like the education system in the United States is "broken", "poor", " not as good as other countries around the world" (once again pick your favorite). I, for one, and this is just my opinion, find basically three things wrong with the school system in my town and in districts around the country and they are as follows: 1. Standardized testing 2. Standardized testing 3. Wait for it, Standardized testing. I recently read Teach Like Finland , written by Timothy D. Walker, an American educator who spent two y

A Girl, a Horse, and a Lesson in Parenting

Not the real Fatima, but a good look-a-like. The following is a true story. When I was around 10 years old, I began riding horses. Almost every week-end, my cousin and I would go to a riding stable and enjoy each other's company as well as practice our riding skills. Then when I was 12 or 13 I began "pestering" my parents. I wanted a horse of my own! Of course, the initial answer was "no".  I'm pretty sure the next 20 or so answers were also "no".  However, I kept pestering  , begging, pleading , okay, I admit, whining, and as the saying goes,  persistence pays off.  I was finally going to get a horse! There was a pasture for rent right up the street from my house.  My horse was going to be only 3 blocks away!   It couldn't get any better than this, now could it? Wellll..... I quickly grew tired of carrying buckets, (very heavy buckets) of feed and water the three blocks from my house to the pasture. Since there wasn't a bar

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

When you are retired it sort of feels like you are on permanent vacation. Not that I am trying to rub it in or anything. In reality, retired people also have things to do, responsibilities to family, etc, so planned vacation time is still essential to a person's well being. That being said, I took three trips this summer that offered not only the good but also the bad and the ugly. The first trip was to Fairhope, Alabama and then on to Gulf Shores. Who doesn't love the beach? Using Airbnb  accommodations that allowed pets was a bonus and we set off with the two pups and high hopes! Traveling went well and we arrived at our vintage Airstream trailer all in one piece. Unfortunately, the Airstream was not all in one piece as evidenced by the use of duct tape. Duct tape, people, around the windows, on the door handle (what there was of it) and holding the screen door together. Let me go on to say, I am not anti-duct tape, so please save your indignant comments. But, reall