
Books With Benny

 From his earliest days, Benny loved books.  He enjoyed looking at  the colors and shapes.  He then discovered the rhythm of the sounds and words. And now, at the age of 5, he has become my go to book critic. Benny appears to be a lover of the classics. These two were favorites last summer. We blob painted clouds and ate strawberries for lunch after reading these! Two of his favorites last summer. A favorite from our last reading time was a more recently published book.   The Most Magnificent Thing, written and illustrated by Ashley Spires is the story of a little girl who is determined to build the "most magnificent thing" and sets about with the help of her dog to collect objects to use. As she works, she's not satisfied with any one creation, but at the end, by taking something from each one, she finally admits she has built the most magnificent thing! This is a perfect book for a little guy or gal who also loves to build things. Benny spends time building wi...

Still Hanging Out

It's been a while since I have written on this blog. So, I thought I would take a minute and catch everybody up on my latest adventures.  I took my first Covid-19 airplane trip in July to go see my girls and son-in-law. Lots of people were flying and the mask mandate was in place.  I didn't have any problem with wearing a mask, but I must say, Delta Airlines, that one tiny wipe given out upon boarding just didn't seem like enough effort on your part. Perhaps a pack of 24 and a can of Lysol spray would be more comforting to passengers. I did, however, appreciate the world's smallest bottle of water and the teeny tiny snack. I know that I could have had my mask off longer if I had chosen the little packet of Gold Fish, but since I'm over the age of four, I opted for the snack bar thingy. At my destination, I walked a goat, played games with my girls, and had my picture taken with a lobster. Try not to be jealous. Everyone can't lead this kind of life. 😀 Just a go...

Just Hanging Out!

Reasons to hang out with little kids: You get to paint! You get to make collages! You get to read books! This one was a great read aloud for everyone! This one got 3 "read it agains" And of course, strawberries for lunch You get to use all the duplos to build things! You get to bake Christmas cookies dressed as a pirate! You get to paint Easter eggs and hide them a million times! You get to attend shark themed birthday parties! You get to go to the beach! These are my reasons. What are yours? That's all for now. Check back later!

It's Springing!


One Word For a New Year

 It has taken me the whole first month of this new year to come up with my "one word" resolution.  I thought maybe "thankful" would be good. Or maybe "grateful." After all I have remained healthy for the last year. But, I wasn't totally on board with either. I even considered "plastics", but apparently you have to be over fifty to appreciate that one. I surmised this after offering that one word of advice to my eighteen year old great-nephew upon his high school graduation. In the past few years I have chosen pamper (myself), faith, two-week cleanse (technically more than one word) and for 2020 it was branch-out. Well, I don't have to tell you how that went. Not a whole lot of choices for new adventures this past year. The other day I was catching up on some blog reading and came across an article written by Greg Behr. I had no idea who this fellow was other than his bio stated he writes about minimalist living, is a father and husband, a...

Some Random Thoughts

Random picture of a gnome Have you ever noticed that all the articles about spending too much time online are found online? Apparently, your entire life can be ruined in a heartbeat if you spend hours everyday checking email, reading blogs, updating your Facebook account, or heaven forbid, posting pictures of your lunch online. (Sorry, I was just interrupted by a message on my phone.) I'm back. Where were we? Oh yes, my thought is that spending too much time online can be boring, time wasting, and numbing to your brain, but probably not fatal. (Hopefully)  Have you ever noticed that the closed captions on television programs contain numerous and often humerous mispellings? Watching a baseball game last summer, one player was referred to as Carrots Heany (Victor Caratini) and another as Car Insurance (Wilson Contreras). And nothing has been more painful than the references to the Covid pandemic. I have seen Cough19, Coffee19, Call-off19, (I have to agree with that one), Cogod19, Cod...

Covid, Covid Go Away! Little Ones Want to Play!

  "The basket" "Loose parts" Read on for more information! It's been awhile but I'm back! First let me start with sending out my heartfelt thanks to teachers working their way through this pandemic. Also, parents that are trying to cope with all of this and let's don't forget the children. They also have a challenge with all of this. Before I give some advice on helping preschool age children learn at home, I want to address the "concern" of some people that without children going to a brick and mortar building to learn, they are  "falling behind."    I need to ask those people, exactly what/who are they "falling behind?" Themselves? each other? children in other countries? Well, folks, it's my humble opinion that they are not "falling behind" anything or anybody. They are just where they are , academically, emotionally, and socially. Do not panic!  They will continue to learn and grow through experiences p...